Will Gynecomastia Surgery Leave Scars?

 Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures that helps men get rid of enlarged breast tissue or fatty tissue in the chest. This condition is often caused by hormonal changes, hereditary factors, obesity, or the use of certain drugs. Gynecomastia can also lead to psychological tension and have an impact on a man's self-confidence. However, when one is preparing to undergo surgery, the most important concern they have is regarding ‘scarring’.

In this article, we have taken references from expert plastic surgeons, like Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, who is famous for performing the best gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad. The article will give one a thorough outlook on the extent of the scarring from the surgery and some vital tips on how one can reduce its appearance. Keep reading for detailed insights.

Before discussing the gynecomastia surgery scars, let’s discuss gynecomastia in detail.

Who Can Go For Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia is an overdeveloped breast in men that can occur at any age. The common causes of this condition include hereditary factors, obesity, or the use of certain medications. Following are the individuals who opt for gynecomastia surgery:

  • Healthy individuals who do not have any life-threatening illnesses that later interfere with the healing
  • Non-smokers
  • Individuals who are healthy and have a normal weight
  • Individuals who face issues in wearing tight clothing or going for outdoor sports

Will there be Scarring After Gynecomastia Surgery?

Most men who seek surgical treatments for gynecomastia are concerned about the size, location, and visibility of the scars post-procedure. Depending on how severe each case is, gynecomastia surgery requires large incisions that eliminate a significant amount of excessive breast tissue and fat. Male breast reduction surgery uses several techniques that are similar to those utilized in female breast reduction surgeries. While a total reduction of scars is definitely impossible with any surgical procedure, the natural contours of a man’s chest area help hide the gynecomastia surgery scars for the best outcomes. For those individuals with a smaller amount of fat or breast tissue, liposuction could be an ideal option, which requires small incisions that are unnoticeable once they have fully healed. Therefore, there will definitely be scarring after gynecomastia surgery. However, one can follow several tips to lessen that. 

If one is looking to opt for gynecomastia surgery, they can schedule an appointment with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, the best plastic surgeon in Hyderabad. During the consultation, the expert surgeon will understand the concerns of the patient, know their expectations, and suggest the best treatment available.

What are the Factors that Affect Scarring in Gynecomastia Surgery?

As discussed above, gynecomastia surgery does leave scars, but the extent and visibility of the scars will depend on a range of factors. Here are some key points mentioned below regarding scars from gynecomastia surgery:

  1. Surgical Technique: The surgeon's choice of surgical technique plays an important role in determining the size of scars. Gynecomastia surgery can be performed using a variety of techniques, such as liposuction, glandular tissue excision, or a combination of the two. Liposuction results in smaller and less noticeable scars as compared to the excision method.
  2. Placement of Incisions: The placement of incisions also plays a vital role in the severity of scars. The surgeon will make incisions wherever necessary to remove excess glandular tissues or skin. The placement of these incisions will vary depending on the specific case and may be around the areola (periareolar incision), within the natural creases of the chest, or in other discreet locations. A leading surgeon will try to hide incisions as much as possible to minimize visible scarring.
  3. Individual Healing: The appearance of scars will also depend on how their body heals. For some people, the scars would be more noticeable than others.
  4. Management of Scars: After the gynecomastia surgery, proper scar management techniques can help reduce the appearance of scars. This will include keeping the incision sites clean, protecting them from excessive heat, and using creams as advised by the surgeon.
  5. Time: It can take up to a year or more for scars to completely fade and become less apparent. Before gradually improving, scars may at first appear red, elevated, or darker in color.
  6. Proper Aftercare: Many people believe that the results of gynecomastia surgery depend on the surgeon's efficiency during the procedure. However, this is not completely true. In some situations, the visibility of scarring can be exacerbated by inadequate post-surgery care. The area of incision needs proper care, which includes proper cleaning, massaging, and avoiding the sun, to achieve the best results.

Is it Possible to Reduce Gynecomastia Surgery Scars?

One can follow the tips mentioned below to reduce gynecomastia surgery scars:

  1. Choose the Right Gynecomastia Surgeons

The most experienced surgeons will be able to complete the procedure with artistic precision. Also, one must choose a surgeon who has considerable expertise in breast reduction surgery. This way, they will be able to give the best guidance and will be able to perform the surgery to the highest standard.

2. Maintain Proper Hygiene

It's crucial to practice proper hygiene following surgery so that the wounds are able to heal properly. One advantage of gynecomastia surgery is that one can wash right away after undergoing it. To prevent infection, cleanse the wound with antibacterial soap and fresh water. Additionally, it is best to stay away from soaps with strong fragrances in order to avoid aggravating the area and maybe delaying the appearance of scars. To keep the wounds clean and free of sweat and dirt, try to clean them every day.

3. Avoid Sun Exposure

It is important to keep the scars protected from the sun, as broken skin is more susceptible to burning. Burning will make scars significantly darker, so it is essential to apply sun protection to the scars if one is exposing them.

4. Prescription Medications

It's critical to take prescription medication as advised since it will ensure a stable and healthy recovery from the surgery. In order to minimize the post-procedure discomfort and help the body heal more quickly, the gynecomastia surgeon may prescribe painkillers and other medications.

Final Takeaway

While gynecomastia surgery may leave scars, many individuals find that the benefits of a flatter and more masculine chest outweigh concerns about scarring. The extent of scarring can often be minimized through careful surgical planning and post-operative scar management. However, it is vital to have a detailed discussion with a renowned surgeon about the goals, expectations, and potential scarring before undergoing the procedure.To know if one is suitable for gynecomastia surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan, a leading plastic surgeon in Hyderabad, at her clinic.

Read More: Most Common Plastic Surgery Procedures

Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan

About 15 years ago, Dr. Sandhya began reforming and turning people's dreams into reality. We have always strived to offer our clients the best possible service, advice, and care. One of the most well-known plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Bangalore and Hyderabad , Dr. Sandhya Bala has made her patients feel more self-assured and proud of their appearance. Cosmetic Surgeon, Health, doctor

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